Monday, November 4, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Rights - Essay Example The verdict received mixed reactions with lawyers informing unsatisfied citizens that they will prepare for an appeal as the verdict had various loopholes (Carlstorm, 2012). On the other hand, according to New York Times newspaper, protest has erupted in the street of Cairo with protestors claiming that some of the important evidence was withheld by the court. In addition, the court acquitted some of the low ranked officials an act that agitated some of the protestors (Kirkpatrick, 2012). The news of sentencing of former strong man in Egypt is supposed to raise alarm to the leaders of African continent together with other countries who have been associated with dictatorial rule. The verdict came days after the sentencing of former Liberian president Charles Taylor by The International criminal court creating a clear signal that it is the high time that leaders drop behavior of impunity and uphold democracy irrespective of their position in the government. Nevertheless it is important for the organs responsible to look for the solution to the grievances that are raised by the protestors in order to prevent the repeat of the events that occurred sixteen months ago in the country. Human trafficking Human trafficking can be simply defined as an illegal trade that involve human beings who are exported to other countries for the purpose of becoming slaves, be sexually exploited or be forced to offer their labor (Shelley, 2010, p. 4). Different bodies are entitled with ensuring that human rights are protected in different countries in the world. Nevertheless, United Nation is the body that is entitled with protecting human rights in the world. As a measure to protect universal human rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was formed. The main aim of these rights was to define human rights that are entitled to all humans despite their race and location. The declaration was regarded as one of the remarkable change that the world achieved in the 20th century . This is because the move saw a remarkable decrease in cases of impunity that were previously experienced by local people who were traded as slaves. The declaration categorized human rights in three categories. First category is civil and political rights that mainly put focus on individual rights and protection of people from government interference. Second form of UDHR rights is social and economic rights that focuses on equality of people and government responsibilities on its citizens. Last form of UDHR rights are solidarity rights, which focuses on global cooperation and redistribution of the opportunities (Shelley, 2010). In addition, United Nation sets out different actions that a state or individual is to be subjected to if suspected to be supporting human trafficking. This move have reduced human trafficking tremendously as UN acts as a watchdog to such cases an aspect that has instilled fear to the traders. Nevertheless, the mandate of enforcing the human rights that woul d see reduced human trafficking cases is left to the individual states. A great stride was made with the formation of international criminal court at Hague, Netherlands whose main mandate is to try crimes against humanity e.g. human trafficking an aspect that has reduced the act as the perpetrators fear being tried in the court. Despite the effort by united nation to enforce human rights, some of countries such as United States

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