Friday, November 22, 2019

Australian Involvement In Wwi History Essay

Australian Involvement In Wwi History Essay Australia was involved in the world war one for many reasons. The most important reason was to help its mother country Britain. They thought if they helped Britain they will help them in any problem. Reasons for enlistment in 1914: In 1914, Australia became involved in world war one because of Britain declaring the war on Germany. When Britain declared the war, the Britain Empire should go to war including Australia and New Zealand. At this time Andrew Fisher (the future prime minister) promised Britain to help the in the war. Australia has entered the war for three reasons: /kapilas/talks/Introduction_to_Indian_Writing_in_English_files /slide0005_image002.jpg They will be known as a nation of its own; The other countries will have greater respect for the new nation; The British Empire in 1914.Andrew Fisher promised that Australia will help its mother country. Approximately 98% of Australia’s population are non aborigines and most of them ar e from the British Empire like Scotland and Wales. That’s why the men have volunteered to go to war and help their mother country. There were other reasons to go to war cause the thought it would be a great adventure, and the will give them a great wages and the thought they will come back in Christmas. Australia’s relationship with Britain: After Australia was federated in 1901 it was still a part of the British Empire Australia was found by Britain and Australia language and culture has come from Britain. Australian political, justice, education, fashion and sport system are British. An Australian Poster Used to Make the Australian to Go to warAustralia’s import marketing is from Britain. Australia economy is to tie to Britain’s. Australia’s defence was the British Navy. Australia was scared by the â€Å"Asian Hordes† but British power was its defence. Australia was part of the British Empire. The Australian children learned about the England kings and queens. From 1905, Australia celebrates the queen’s birthday. First the children go to the school in the morning and they sing patriotic song and they have the rest of the day as a public holiday. Australia’s involvement with Britain in 1914 or world war one was quite all over the place, they were like rivals but not enemies, they kind of despised each other but when it came to danger they would ark up and protect each other no matter the cost. Opposition to Involvement: Many were against the war some of them are conscientious objectors from religious groups Society of Friends who defeat the human life. The conscription is forcing men to go to war even if they don’t want to do there.118F824B The anti-war movement included: The Industrial Workers of the War; The Society of Friends; An extract from a letter written by F.J. Roberts in 1914 saying how he is against the war.The W oman’s Army Peace;

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